Tribute to Bengt Lindqvist, the Human Rights defender of disabled people

Bengt Lindqvist
1936 - 2016

It is with great sadness we learn that Bengt Lindqvist passed away on December 3, 2016

After having spend his life to defend Human Rights of people with disabilities, after being one of the DPI founders on 1981 and UN Special Rapporteur from 1994 to 2003 to encourage and to monitor the implementation the Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities, he was a cofounder of Disability Rights Promotion International (DRPI)His last act of engagement was to leave the scene on the International Day of people with disabilities.

He had a singular influence on disability of the 20th and well into the 21st century. His contribution is profound, not because he was blind but because he understood social justice; he put it into practice in all the many different roles he had. 

Magnificent man and important leader, he worked to promote disabled people Human Rights in the world and his death is a major loss for the disability movement throughout the world. He has ensured that disabled people are recognized to enjoy Human Rights throughout the World. 

We convey our condolences to the members of his family.

Bengt, we love you and will never forgot you, your name and memory are etched in our hearts forever, December 3 is our common day.


Bengt Linsqvist with Henry Cassirer, founder of DPI France, the GFPH, and Vincent Assante its actual Chairperson

April 21, 1999, Paris, France